Kannada film I Love You, that stars Upendra and Rachita Ram in the lead, released last Friday. The movie has been in the news a lot for containing a few bold scenes. It came to be known more when Upendra's wife Priyanka called for a press conference to express her disappointment in the film's female lead. Priyanka said the actress was giving away false information about the bold scenes she has enacted in, which was tampering Upendra's image. But, we were quite surprised to know how Rachita Ram's mother reacted to the bold scenes!
Apparently, Rachita's mother and sister watched I Love You last week. Upon watching the much controversial song from the film, the actress' mother said, "I would like to call it a Rachita-Upendra film than my daughter's. She (Rachita) has put up an amazing performance in the song. Your expressions are mind-blowing. You simply killed it."
When fans didn't approve Rachita's choice of role in I Love You and trashed her for revealing too much, she issued a statement saying she wouldn't ever act in a film with such bold content. She specified that her fans are upset and wouldn't do anything similar in the future that could hurt them.
But now, she is singing a different tune. In an interview with a television channel, Rachita said that she doesn't care anymore about what people have to say or the negative reviews as her mother appreciated her work in I Love You.
She further added, "This song is a masterpiece. Kiran has created a great song. We could only perform well because the song was well made. Chinni master's choreography is brilliant. I had heard he was famous for romantic songs, and through I Love You, I witnessed his talent."
I Love You has received a mixed review. While some have appreciated Uppi's eccentricity, the others have called it cringe-worthy. What do you have to say about this romantic flick? Tell us in the comments.